Bunting Labs: Browser-based Spatial Analysis

Bunting Labs is a geospatial tech startup delivering powerful tools for GIS developers.

Their GIS Sandbox is a digital workspace where users can map with hundreds of raster or vector datasets from data warehouses, satellites, and open-source clouds like OpenStreetMap, all in-browser.  Their custom Spatial IDE coding tool lets you build python scripts for spatial analysis by making datasets drag-and-droppable. Predictive text gets generated as you write to autofill your analysis model with common spatial operations.  The workspace lets you visualize your data on a base map in real-time. The table view has all the Important data sorting options in a readable interface. Datasets with mismatched projections are automatically corrected, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Spatial data weighs heavily on memory storage systems and can cause problems when loading and transforming from multiple locations. Teams can centralize their data with Bunting Labs’ custom Data Pipeline, allowing collaboration from multiple machines without the in-house storage infrastructure. Earth imagery, point clouds, lines, polygons and all their built in features live in one place while you make your analysis remotely. Bunting Labs is competing with legacy earth engines in a comparable way to how the design application Figma stands up to the desktop-based Adobe Creative Suite with collaborative in-browser workspace and cloud storage.

The AI vectorization tool lets you georeference any image or map and vectorize features. The computer-vision algorithm traces the polygons to turn groups of pixels to objects. This enables developers to export new datasets that are easily analysis-ready and accurately layered with data or base maps.

 Bunting Labs launched in September 2022 and is backed by startup incubator Y Combinator, who famously backed giants like Stripe, Coinbase, and AirBnB.

Image by Bunting Labs


SWOT: A space mission to map all of Earth’s water


Earth Imagery from Space: Planet Labs