Matterport: Indoor LiDAR for Digital Tours

Matterport is a company that specializes in 3D indoor modeling technology. They build a line of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors and cameras and an accompanying software platform that can be used to create detailed, high-resolution 3D models of physical spaces.

LIDAR works by emitting a laser beam and measuring the time it takes for the light to bounce back to the sensor. By combining this information with the known position and orientation of the sensor, it's possible to create a highly accurate 3D model of a building or environment.

The data file created with these tools are known as digital twins. A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical object or space, and it can be used for a wide range of purposes. For example, a digital twin of a building could be used to simulate and analyze the performance of the building's systems, such as its heating and cooling, or to plan and visualize renovations.

Matterport is deploying their sensors in multiple industries, most importantly in real estate and hospitality. Creating a perfect representation of physical spaces lets homebuyers take an immersive tour of potential properties, which, according to real estate firms, gives customers familiarity with spaces before or in place of an in-person visit. Travel accommodations like hotels and private rentals like Airbnb use Matterport sensors to help visitors visualize their stay. Properties using a digital twin model are shown to improve sales and occupancy. Matterport has even partnered with Airbnb so that disabled travelers can evaluate accessibility features of their stay ahead of time.

This technology can be useful in a whole host of other industries including architecture, retail, facility management, restoration, and events. Overall, Matterport's LIDAR-based 3D imaging technology is a powerful geospatial tool for capturing the fine details of physical spaces and creating highly accurate digital tours.

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