GRASSLAND.NETWORK: Decentralized World Mirroring

Grassland is a peer-to-peer Network of spatial intelligence generated by everyday Internet connected cameras. It rewards contributors by turning household electronics into dual purpose data generator and cryptocurrency miners. Trained computer vision turns footage streams from any working camera into a digital temporal archive of identified objects. These objects are stored on the network with defined attributes and pinned to their location throughout time. Within an earth simulation or geospatial application, much like Google Maps or Streetview, objects and places in the real world have a digital twin copy. Network participants contribute to this shared database, lighting up the map of our world with new data with every device set up. The result is a computerized time machine revealing patterns of movement throughout our surroundings and all over the world.  Geoinformation sourced by collective participation is geared towards solving real problems and informing decisions. The value created from the network incentivizes its maintenance and expansion to continue its eternal knowledge repository. Idle devices can open a window into reality and store generated information on the blockchain. Compatibility with external apps and smart contracts gives searchability and quantitative analysis on physical changes of tangible items. The network’s contributing members receive cryptocurrency which represents the ownership of the network and is publicly tradable with any other decentralized asset. It also serves as a mechanism for owner contributors to govern the system through secure blockchain-based proposal voting smart contracts. Grassland is turning the lights on in an infallible historic simulation documentary.


Earth Imagery from Space: Planet Labs


Underwater Remote Sensing